When was the last time you checked? Around 40 new cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed in Lithuania every year. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chance of successful treatment and the quicker and simpler the treatment.
The society that unites the country's urologists and represents their interests, in addition to scientific activities, aims to help optimize urological care in the country.
The Lithuanian Urological Society maintains a close partnership relationship with patient organizations and represents the interests of not only urologists, but also patients.
We support the urological community by promoting the highest standards of urological clinical care through education, research and health care policy. We invite those who support the Society's activities and are interested in the field of urology to become partners and supporters of the Society.
2025 m. sausio 23-24 d. Karolinska universitetinėje ligoninėje, Huddinge, Stokholme.
Džiaugiamės palaikymu, aktyvumu ir įsitraukimu LUD žingsnių iššūkyje minint Movember'į. Tikime, kad šio iššūkio metu jūs ne tik atradote naujus pasivaikščiojimų takus bei suformavote aktyvaus gyvenimo būdo principus, bet ir daugiau sužinojote apie vyrų sveikatai stiprinti skirtas programas bei ligų prevencijos būdus.
2024 m. lapkričio 21 d. Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas (LSMU) Senato pritarimu ir Rektoriaus įsakymu prof. Darijui Skaudickui suteiktas profesoriaus pedagoginis vardas.
© 1996–2024 Lietuvos urologų draugija
Lithuanian Urological Society
Address: Santariškių st. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania
Code 191933163
E-mail: info@lud.lt
Bank: Swedbank AB
LT75 7300 0100 0224 3189
Bank code: 73000
Marius Kincius, MD, PhD, the President of Lithuanian Urological Society